Deliver Faster; Deliver More; Deliver Predictably.

Transform Your IT Organization in Just One Week: Leverage Over 20 Years of Expert Consulting Experience for Deeper Insights and a Data-Driven Action Plan

  • Find and fix Team topology and organization risks

  • Find and fix team skillset and capacity constraints

  • Find and fix the most costly delay causes holding you back

Your company; Your needs; Our experience.

No "easy" answers you already knew

We start by listening. We are experienced in understanding what data will help solve your most urgent problems. Our method asks questions to drive meaningful suggestions.

Deep System Visualization

See and understand delays, and skill constraints

We take a sampling approach to gather a small amount of data to help "see" the big picture of how your delivery value chain ACTUALLY works (not just how it is in the organization chart). Our pictures help you see the forest given just a few trees.

Enhanced Risk Assessment and Guidance

No consultant "it depends" - we tell you straight

We transform your data into robust, evidence-based insights. We clearly identify and prioritize team and skill-related risks. Our methodology employs over 35 specialized criteria to pinpoint issues that affect project timelines and consistency in delivery.

Step by step - we work with you...

How these engagements typically work day by day

  • Outcome prioritization

    Day 1: We work with the leaders to understand the outcomes that matter most so we can define the problems that matter most.

  • Data gathering

    Days 2, 3 & 4: We work with your teams for data collection prioritized for the specified outcomes. We don't need a lot of data, often this only takes us a day or two.

  • Insights and actions

    Days 4 and 5: We analyze the data captured, fill any gaps, and create the final recommendations with your team. Your team then presents those recommendations to leadership (either on the last day or later).


  • Doesn't this analysis require a heap of data and disruption to the teams?

    Absolutely not. Our methodology is finely tuned to reduce the need for extensive data collection and minimize operational disruptions. By strategically sampling from a limited number of teams and projects, we effectively identify systemic issues without redundant feedback from multiple sources. Our advanced tools are designed to extract significant insights from as few as 11 instances of delay or the experiences of just 3 teams, ensuring efficient and impactful analysis.

  • Who needs to be involved from our side?

    Leadership team: A one-hour meeting with leadership for outcome and goal setting is required on day 1 and executive briefing Day 5 (or scheduled later)

    Process/change/agile team: One or two internal staff members will work with us on data collection and report the results back to leadership.

    Teams/contributors: We will need access to a few teams and people for a few hours. We mostly try to capture data through surveys to minimize blocking everyone's calendar (further impacting flow)

  • Does our current development process matter?

    No. As long as you have multiple teams collaborating in some way, you will get actionable advice compatible with whatever process you use.