• Facilitate

    Help everyone share what they understand about the desired work and find options to delivering that work to customers.

  • Forecast

    Construct forecasts that make sense. Forecasts that help make informed decisions earlier and avoid setting everyone up for failure.

  • Communicate

    Help everyone understand the big picture about where we are and where we are going given the uncertain terrain we have to cross.

Course curriculum

    1. A message from the instructor

    2. How to use this course

    3. Workbook and Downloads (materials)

    4. Where to ask questions and continue the discussion...

    5. Before we begin...

    1. What (and how) do you currently forecast?

    2. Theory: Forecasting in Product Development and Delivery

    3. Theory: Introducing Probabilistic Forecasting

    4. Exercise: Your First Throughput/Velocity Probabilistic Forecasting

    5. Debrief/Key Points: Forecasting Basics

    1. Theory: Moving from "When" to What"

    2. Exercise: Determine what features can ship by ...

    3. Theory: Getting Initial Feature/Epic Size (Reference Class Forecasting)

    4. Theory: Getting Initial Delivery Pace Estimates

    5. Theory: Using Historical Delivery Pace Data

    6. Debrief/Key Points: Practical Forecasting

    1. Theory: Scope Growth and Changes

    2. Exercise: Scope Growth Canvas

    3. Theory: Risk

    4. Exercise: Your Common Risks

    5. Theory: Seasonal Changes in Delivery Pace

    6. Exercise: Your Events and Seasonal Factors

    7. Debrief/Key Points: Special Circumstances

    1. Theory: Better Ways to Say No (not all, not yet, etc.)

    2. Theory: Gaining Comfort with Uncertainty

    1. Congrats! Here's what's next...

    2. More resources for you

    3. Before you go...

About this course

  • $495.00
  • 28 lessons
  • Includes Monthly Q&A Zoom Call
  • Membership into Our Community

Discover practical forecasting...

Without detailed story estimation and by using historical data


Troy Magennis


Troy Magennis is an IT professional and executive, having helped deliver valuable software to customers at scale since 1994. In 2011 he founded Focused Objective, the leader and trusted brand for Agile metrics and probabilistic forecasting. He regularly keynotes at conferences, eager to share his passion for using data in better ways to improve business outcomes. Previous clients include Walmart, Microsoft, Skype, Sabre Airline Solutions, Siemens Healthcare. Troy currently consults and trains organizations wanting to improve decision-making for IT through Agile and Lean thinking and tools, applying Scrum and Lean techniques appropriately, and where they are going to make this most significant benefit through quantitative rigor.